Happy Healthy Fit Guide

Get the F*#k Out of the Gym

Categories: Happy | Posted by: Suzy Shulman

Get the F*#k out of the gym!

Yah, you heard me right. Go. Right now. Run. Don’t walk. Seriously – you’re wasting your time.

You hate what you’re doing.

You’re bored beyond belief.

You can’t understand how that guy next to you has been running on the treadmill for 45 minutes (neither can I).

Does this describe most, if not all, of your trips to the gym?

I can sympathize.

For years I believed that I had to hate what I was doing to reap all of the benefits. I genuinely believed that working out was supposed to suck.

I was so wrong.

I became a teacher and personal trainer to show others that they can should love to workout the best thing they can possibly do for their bodies and minds is to find a workout that they enjoy.

You should associate working out with misery.  You shouldn’t cringe when, halfway through your day, you realize you need to go to the gym in a few hours.  In fact, you should never associate the word “need” with the word “workout”.  Instead, you should always focus on the word “want.”

You don’t need to get in shape. You want to get in shape.

You don’t need to lose a few pounds.  You want to lose a few pounds.

You don’t need to become more flexible. You want to become more flexible.

You want to become a happy, healthier, more fit you.

Those who determine which exercises, workouts, and fitness classes they enjoy are 90% more likely to succeed in attaining their health and fitness goals than those who force themselves to engage in forms of exercise they loathe.

If you’re reading this on your way out the door to suffer through another dreaded hour-long session at the local gym, put down your shoes, look in the mirror, and make a promise to yourself that you will find a way to workout that makes you happy – not just fit.  Because, let’s face it – if you don’t, you’re not really helping yourself, are you?

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What Goes Up Must Come Down

Categories: Fit, Healthy | Posted by: Suzy Shulman

I love the “up”.

I live there, teach there, practice there.

“Up” allows me to be here and now and yet not at all.

But here’s the thing…

What goes up, most come down.

A person cannot live in a constant state of “up”.

Embracing “the down”

Before I began practicing and teaching restorative yoga, I was constantly focused on being “up”. In fact, I’m not certain I even considered the possibility of a “down” state existing.

But, I always had this nagging feeling that this constant “up-ness” I lived by was not sustainable.

Through restorative yoga, I have learned the value of being down, coming down, and even…gasp…enjoying “the down”.  It provides a juxtaposition to my typical state of being.  My life is the yin; Restorative yoga, the yang.

Discovering Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga has been an evolving practice for me that has spanned nearly a decade.

I attended my first class because I was “at the end of my rope”.

I was a full-time waitress and my body and mind were spanked, done, finished.

I was tired and irritable.

My patience with myself, and others, was nonexistent.

In the hopes of reversing or counteracting the negativity, I began attending more “power” yoga classes.

Hey, it’s yoga. It calms you. Right?


I was so wrong.

What I came to realize was that my body and mind needed time to just be, to release, to find ways to finish on going conversations in my head.

Through supported poses, I found calm for my overused and sore muscles.

Through breathing practices, I found recovery and an understanding of the need to train smarter, not just harder.

As a result of my practice, I found that I now recover better after intense workouts and weeks.

I found that as long as I find my “down”…every once in a while…I can go up exponentially.

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What Does Inflexible Really Mean?

Categories: Fit | Posted by: Suzy Shulman

Why say it? Do you mean “I just dont want to?”

Because as teacher and personal trainer I would rather hear that than the latter excuse. It drives me crazy when students are so quick to quip, so many already took the biggest step of showing up, why not fully participate? Why not do the best your body can? I as the instructor I have given you the freedom to work at whatever level you want, to push yourself as hard as you want, with no question or push from me. Allowing yourself to believe that your inflexibility is the reason class sucked today is just an excuse you gave yourself to not fully participate, to not fully give all you got. I have plenty of days, nay, weeks when I swear that I’m not gonna make it, workouts seem to last forever and every fucking push up was worse than the other. There are times I go to class and I am the only one who can’t seem to do what the instructor is asking of me. It sucks, I go to the bad place, I tell myself that’s because I’m inflexible, because Im not built for that. Bullshit. My mind is what stops me. I hold myself to what others around me are doing. I search their strong, limber bodies and hate mine. My mind convinces me that I’m just not ment to do this kind of work. Bullshit.

I’m calling you out mind, I’m telling you right now this relationship between what’s really hard and what seems impossible and your ability to convince me stop is over. I’m done believing you, I’m done letting you tell me I’m inflexible. You’re inflexible, my body is cable of anything, basically.

Today I will show up. Today I will go the distance. Today I will do all that my body is capable of. Today I will shut my mind off and go hard.


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