Best Face Forward
Everyday, regardless of the weather, I am outside with my dog Tal. We walk in the subarctic negatives(thanks Vermont), we sprint in the humid 80s and trudge through mud season. It doesn’t matter, the movement is as important to me as it is for him and nothing, especially not the weather, can stop us. I always protect him the best I can. Booties for when there is salt and sand that bloody his tender paws, a sweatshirt to protect him in -25 degree temperatures and sunscreen on his nose in the blaring July sun. Whatever he needs I try my best to give to him. I work on doing the same for myself. I believe that good skincare is a cornerstone of healthy lifestyle. I love that my skin is clear and vibrant and reflective of the hard work I put in. I exercise for my body and brain, and my beauty routine is my workout for my skin.
Recently my skin was hurting, I had gotten a bit of frostbite on my cheeks. It had mostly healed but I was left with rough, dry patches of skin that seemingly couldn’t and wouldn’t heal. I kept looking in the mirror and being saddened by what was looking back at me. I looked old and dry so, so dry. The only thing to do was call on Therin Pohley (respected aesthetician and friend) for a much needed facial. Therin got me an appointment right away and on short notice (which, if you have a hectic and somewhat unpredictable schedule like mine, you know is a feat of amazingness). I was welcomed into a beautiful and tranquil room, clean and removed from the loudness of the world outside. Therin really heard me when I said my face was hurting and didn’t suggest that I was to blame ‘cause I was using the wrong products or that I didn’t care for my skin in the “right” way. She was polite, knowledgeable, and soothing. She understood the stresses of being a Personal Trainer, a full time fitness instructor and a doggy mom. She exercises regularly and prioritizes her needs, so much so that she builds her busy work schedule around the classes she attends, LIKE THE BOSS SHE IS. Yet another reason to respect and adore this woman.
An hour later, I was me again. My face didn’t hurt for the first time in weeks. The skin on my cheeks was soft and dewy. My brain was calm and my neck and shoulder muscles were far less tight than when I came in. Not only is Therin an amazing esthetician, but one hell of a massage therapist too. I returned to the world, quite literally, with my best and freshest face forward.
It’s not just about working and pushing and working and pushing, there must be time downtime and space to restore, refresh and rejuvenate. My frostbitten face brought me in to see Therin, but my calmed and reseted frame of mind at the end of the facial was what I was really needing. Also, having bebe soft cheeks was awesome.
ps Go see Therin.
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