Many of you are unaware that I am in the midst of putting together my first Teacher Training in the method I created. It has been a long, often rocky, usually broke road. I worked 2(or more) jobs, 7 days a week for over 3 years. I always knew that I wanted to teach teachers. I would go to other classes and be unable to do what was being asked of me because I was so aware that the teacher wasn’t teaching; they were doing. I wanted someone to correct my form, or give a way to make a move mine because they could see and understand that my body wasn’t getting it. I realized that this was where I was needed. I made the decision to start recording the moves I was teaching and the order they went in. And so my training manual was born.
If you’re all like, what does this have to do with a recipe, hold on, Im getting there.
I spent roughly 5 hours yesterday putting the final touches on the verbiage for the manual. I was cross eyed when I finally got up from seat. I got some sage advice from my counselor (i.e. Mike ) and called it a day. I would get up early the next day and finish before my work day started.
I got up this morning and did my usual thing. I was ready to destroy and conquer, I sat myself down in front of my computer and…. nothing. I need to write a mission statement. This should have spilled out of me like a gushing river. This training was all me, all that I preach, all that Ive done for years. I_couldn’t_get_a_single_word down. Frustrated, I did the next best thing, Pintrest! I came across a recipe that a friend of mine had posted. Cauliflower “bread.” Yummy I thought.
Im not one for following orders, a recipe none the less. I scanned the post and set out to make it the Susannah Shulman way ( you know, the only way) Amazingly, I had all the ingredients I needed. I closed my laptop and stepped into the kitchen. I love cooking and baking. I love the freedom and the attention to detail. I love that when Im creatively stuck, I can go to my kitchen and just flow.
This was the easiest thing I have made in a long time. I set the oven to 400 degrees, Food processed the shit out of 2 heads of cauliflower, added salt and paper to taste, 1/3 cup flax meal, 1/2 cup Romano cheese and 1 cup Daiya Mozzarella cheese( you can use real cows milk chesse if your innards aren’t made of porcelain like mine) I lined a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the mixture evenly, it resembled a flat bread.Bake for 25 to 30 min, flip so both sides are browned. Let sit for up to an hour and then shove into mouth. I put Avocado on mine.
So heres the life lesson: I lied, there really isn’t one. Or maybe, when in doubt make Gluten Free, Grain Free Cauliflower Bread and write an exercise manual.